Subject dealt with:
- Collection, Compilation, Maintenance and Interpretation of Statistics in Central Sphere on work Stoppages, Strikes, Lockouts, Industrial Disputes, Enforcement of Labour Laws etc.
- Compilation, Tabulation and Supply of Statistical information for inclusion in the following : i) Ministry Annual Report, ii) L.M. Budget Speech, iii) Annual Report on the working of CIRM and iv) Standard Reference Note on working of CIRM etc.
- Supply of material for publication in the Labour Bureaus Periodicals viz. i) Indian Labour Statistics, ii) Indian Labour Year Book and iii) Indian Labour Journal.
- Improvements in the collection and compilation of statistics in CLC(C) Organization.
- Reconciliation of Work Stoppage Statistics with Labour Bureau. (Quarterly).
- Management Information System.
- Preparation of Annual Reports on Acts dealt with in CLC(C) organization.
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