

Subject dealt with:

  1. Collection, Compilation, Maintenance and Interpretation of Statistics in Central Sphere on work Stoppages, Strikes, Lockouts, Industrial Disputes, Enforcement of Labour Laws etc.
  2. Compilation, Tabulation and Supply of Statistical information for inclusion in the following : i) Ministry Annual Report, ii) L.M. Budget Speech, iii) Annual Report on the working of CIRM and iv) Standard Reference Note on working of CIRM etc.
  3. Supply of material for publication in the Labour Bureaus Periodicals viz. i) Indian Labour Statistics, ii) Indian Labour Year Book and iii) Indian Labour Journal.
  4. Improvements in the collection and compilation of statistics in CLC(C) Organization.
  5. Reconciliation of Work Stoppage Statistics with Labour Bureau. (Quarterly).
  6. Management Information System.
  7. Preparation of Annual Reports on Acts dealt with in CLC(C) organization.
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