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Subject dealt with:

  1. Enforcement of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 .
  2. Enforcement of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
  3. Enforcement of CCS(Safeguarding of National Security) Rules.
  4. Moveable and Immovable property, Acquisition/ Disposal.
  5. Processing of Disciplinary cases. Appeals, Memorials and Petitions.
  6. Annual Confidential Reports in respect of O.S. of field Offices/ LEOs(C)/All CLS officers posted in the CLC(C) organisation and all officials posted at CLC(C) Hqrs. Office.
  7. All O&M matters.
  8. Work Flow Chart.
  9. Delegation of Financial and Administrative Powers.
  10. Jurisdiction including permission for shifting of regional and field offices.
  11. Inspection of regional and field offices.
  12. Matters relating to Work Study.
  13. Analysing Assessment Reports of Dy.CLCs(C)/RLCs(C)/ALCs(C)/LEOs(C) working in field offices.
  14. Tour programmes of Dy.CLCs(C) / RLCs(C) - Approval of/ permission for taking
  15. stenographers on tour travel beyond jurisdiction.
  16. Matters pertaining to Archival Policies.
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