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Contact List Central

Name Section Office Number Auto Number Room Number Email ID Edit link
Sh. K Shekar CLC(C) 20893620 1000 413 clc[dash]mole[at]nic[dot]in
Mrs. Deepa Sethi PPS to CLC(C) 20893603 1002 407
Sh. K Sekhar Additional CLC(C) 20893611 409 addl[dot]clc[dash]mole[at]gov[dot]in
Vacant PPS to Additional CLC(C) 20893603 1002 407
Shri Sushil Kumar Dy. CLC(C) Enforcement I & ll, IT Cell & LS-I II III , Coordination, Legal Cell , Admin-1 & Vig 20893610 1011 406 sushil[dot]k65[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Tej Bahadur, Dy.CLC(C) IR, SE, Santusht Cell, OL, Verification and RTI matters, PG Welfare & Trainning , CB&P , CR , Admin-II & III 20893613 1030 510 tej[dot]bahadur66[at]nic[dot]in
Social Media
Smt. Kamlesh Varun Cash Budget and Planning & Central Registery 20892368 1052 704 prabhat[dot]kmr[at]nic[dot]in
Smt. Vani S. Kumar, Under Secretary Adm.l & III 20893606 1041 702 vani[dot]skumar[at]gov[dot]in
Munish Kumar Admin-II & Vigilance Section 20893624 1044 703 munish.kr77[at]nic[dot]in
Sh. Rahul Tyagi, RLC (C) Training & Public Griveance 20893618 1007/1020 501 rahul[dot]tyagi12[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. O P Singh, RLC (C) lR, Enforcement- I & ll 20893617 1006 401-B opsingh[dot]cls[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Pankaj Dahiya RLC(C) LS I, II, & III, Coord. Section & Legal Cell 20893602 1015/1023 502 pankaj[dot]dahiya[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Tarun Kumar Singh RLC(C) Verification, IT Cell 20893619 1017 602 taruncls[dot]cg[at]nic[dot]in
Sh. Ashwini Kumar Chaturvedi, ALC(C) LS I II & lll and Coordination 20893604 1071 716 ashwani[dot]kumar[dot]85[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Kumar Amritesh, ALC (C) lR Enforcement I & II and SE 610 kumar[dot]amritesh[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Devendra Kumar Ram ALC(C) Santusht Cell, lT Cell, & Legal Cell 20893616 1003 609 devendra.ram[at]gov[dot]in
Smt. Rajani V. STO Official Language 1063 606 hindi[dot]clc[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Ravi Shanker Roy, Sr Account Officer PAO CLC(C) 20897119 2401, 2293 paoclc[dash]labour[at]gov[dot]in
Central Registry 1046 002 varun[dot]kamlesh[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Tilak Raj SO PG Cell 1018/1073 503 dyclc[dash]pgtraining[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Manisha, SO Adm.l 20893623 1048 707 manisha[dot]dgsnd[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Ankit Gupta Admin-II 20893612 1050 604-A ankit[dot]gupta87[at]nic[dot]in
Mrs. Kalpana Sharma, SO Adm. III 1024 512-B kalpana[dot]sharma[at]nic[dot]in
Mrs. Rashi , LEO(C) LS- I ,II & lll and SE Section 1086 608 rashi[dot]rana[at]gov[dot]in
Dr. Abdul Qadir, LEO(C) Verification, lT CelI, and Legal Cell 1062 607 abdulqadir[dot]91[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Birendra Shah SO IR Section 1027 509 clcir[dash]mole[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Suresh Kumar Sharma SO Adm.ll & Cash, Budget & Planning 20893612 1047 604 sk[dot]sharma65[at]gov[dot]in
Sh. Sunil Kumar Sagar SO Coordination Section 1025 sunil[dot]devesh[at]gov[dot]in
Shri. Manoj Kumar SO Enforcement I &II clc-enforce[at]gov[dot]in
Ms Rashmi Dabas SO Vigilence 1055 706 rashmi[dot]dabas[at]gov[dot]in
Ms. Hunar Pahwa SO Social Media 1085 512 hunar[dot]pahwa[at]nic[dot]in